Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner are currently engaged in a legal battle over the custody of their two young daughters. However, this hasn’t stopped them from spending quality time with their children. Recently, Joe was spotted in NYC with one of their daughters.
Joe took 3-year-old Willa along with him in an SUV as they headed to a birthday party. It’s unclear who the party was for, and there was no sign of their other daughter, Delphine, who was possibly with her mom.
This is the first time Joe has been seen alone with one of his children since the custody battle with Sophie began. Sophie had accused Joe of preventing her from taking the girls to the UK, violating their prior agreement, and even hiding their passports.
Joe argued that he was simply following the court’s orders and stated that relocating the children during the divorce proceedings would not be in their best interest.
As reported earlier, the judge ultimately ruled in favor of Joe, stating that neither parent could take Willa or Delphine out of the greater NYC area.
We were the first to report that Joe’s attorneys have claimed Sophie wants to move the divorce proceedings to the United Kingdom. However, a decision regarding this request has not yet been made.
1. Are Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner getting a divorce?
Yes, Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner are in the process of getting a divorce.
2. Who has custody of their children?
The custody of their children is currently being disputed in court.
3. Where was Joe Jonas seen with their daughter?
Joe Jonas was seen with one of their daughters in New York City.
Despite their ongoing divorce proceedings, Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner are doing their best to co-parent their two young daughters. Joe was recently spotted taking one of their daughters to a birthday party in NYC. The custody battle continues, but both parents are determined to spend quality time with their children.